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Nudist and Naturist Etiquette

Nudists and naturists have a standard etiquette that is typically followed at most nudist resorts, clubs, beaches, or other places where naked people hang out. (We don’t typically use the word colony by the way.) Whether it’s your first time or fiftieth time at one of these places, we’ve put together a list of the more common rules or suggestions that are typically made at these places. Some of you may be reading these for the first time, while perhaps others could use a refresher. So let’s get started, shall we?

1. Always use a towel to sit on. Even if you’ve just finished rinsing off in the shower or climbed out of the pool, it’s considered polite to sit your naked bum on a towel instead of directly on the lounge chairs, benches, dining room chairs, or even couches. This applies to workout equipment as well if you happen to be at a club where they have such amenities.

2. This brings us to showering – always shower before entering the pools or hot tubs. You’ve probably seen the signs at even the textile (swimsuit required) resorts or pools before, and it’s just as important at resorts where nakedness is the norm. The pools tend to see a good bit of use, so keeping the water clean and clear is an important goal for all of us. Whether going for a quick dip or staying in until your fingers and toes look like prunes – at least take a quick rinse off first.

3. Yes, you may notice the prune looking feet or hands or various other parts of all of your new friends’ bodies... but just like when you’re at the textile (clothes / swimsuits, etc. required) locations, staring is still considered rude in most places. Take a quick glance and then move on. When it comes to eye contact, remember where everyones’ eyes are. (Hint: They’re not chest level or groin level.) Whether it’s the tiniest penis you’ve ever seen or humongous breasts they’re still attached to human beings with eyes. And those eyes can see you staring. The only time that you'll typically find there is an exception to this rule is if you're at a non-family friendly place where voyeurism and exhibitionism are condoned. But if you're at one of the AANR or TNS or other family friendly locations, staring is absolutely impolite and rude.

4. You’ve probably noticed that bodies come in all sizes and shapes when standing in line at McDonalds or getting onto an airplane or just plain walking down the street. Taking away the clothes doesn’t change that fact. It’s still considered rude to comment on other peoples’ bodies so please keep those negative comments to yourself. However, feel free to tell someone that they have beautiful eyes or hair or a nice smile if that's something you would typically say in the clothed world.

5. Physical contact - this varies from place to place. At some of the more strict family friendly places you may be limited to just a handshake, while others a brief hug is okay with those you are friends with. But for the most part, any sort of physical displays of affection (PDA) are going to be off limits at these places. On the other hand, if you're looking for places where openly visible physical displays of affection are acceptable, you may want to try the swinger friendly places. Even the swinger and lifestyle places still have rules though - some of them say no sexual activities in public areas, while others may simply say no sex in the hot tubs or pools. (After all, nobody wants to be swimming in others bodily fluids.) Whatever the case may be, please be sure to follow the rules of wherever you are at. And if that is a public beach, chances are that sex and other sexual related activities are off limits, as those are usually outlawed by various laws against "lewd" activities.

6. Erections. Speaking of sexualized environments, let’s talk about erections. Yes, we all know that erections may be a very natural bodily function that men have happen at perhaps very inopportune times. But family friendly nudist and naturist environments are not the male strip club. If you are at a family friendly location, then that particular body function needs to be covered up by wrapping a towel around your waist or perhaps lay down on your stomach for a little bit or go for a quick dip in the cold pool or something. If you need to think about your grandmother in her underwear or whatever, then do what you’ve got to do until the blood starts flowing back to the rest of your body. Again, the exception here exists only for the lifestyle, adults only, libertine, and swinger friendly clubs.

7. Yes, you're reading this on the Internet using some form of electronics, right? Well, while you're at nudist and clothing optional places, most will ask you to keep those cameras and camera phones put away while in areas where people may be naked. If you do decide that you’d like to capture a few memories be sure to only take pictures of the wildlife, nature scenes, or people you know that are okay with you taking their picture, and only if it is okay with the club / resort / premises that you are visiting. Be sure that you ask permission before taking pictures of anyone and respect their wishes if they don’t want you to take their picture.

8. I’m sure there’s something we’ve managed to forget in the list here. In case we didn’t cover anything specifically, just remember to use common sense. If it doesn’t seem appropriate or if you think whatever may be a bad idea, then perhaps you shouldn’t do it. Use your best manners, make some friends, and go have some naked fun!

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